

  1. The Inverse Problem for the Dielectric Conductivity, Master Thesis, TU Graz, Nov 2017.
  2. Space-Time Methods for Maxwell’s Equations- Solving the Vectorial Wave Equation, PhD Thesis, TU Graz, Oct 2021.

Peer-reviewed publications

J.I.M. Hauser, O. Steinbach, Space–time variational methods for Maxwell’s
equations, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 19 (2019), pp. e201900221.

Papers in preparation

  1. J.I.M. Hauser, M. Zank, Numerical study of conforming space-time methods for Maxwell’s equations, in preparation.
  2. J.I.M. Hauser, S. Kurz, O. Steinbach, A Space-Time Finite Element Method for Maxwell’s Equations using the Modified Hilbert Transformation, in preparation.